How to build a MAME cabinet - A detailed guide and how to
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Step by step
The making of the Weecade MAME cabinet
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Control Panel & Artwork
Here is the backside with the monitor installed. There isn't room for much more inside this cabinet.
First boot to windows. Works perfectly! Always a surprise when everything works the first time around :D

There is some noise from the amplifier though. Got to look into that at some point.

I had to install a small PSU for the amplifier, the PC PSU was too noisy for sound. Good thing I had this one in my basement.
The back panel is mounted. Looks nice.
Finally I received the artwork for the marquee and control panel. The artwork for the control panel is self-adhesive.
It's a bit tricky to mount the artwork. I tend to get quite aggressive while mounting it, so I am always alone while doing it :D
Looks pretty good with the buttons and plexiglass.
Love the light buttons for pause and exit. They are expensive, but well worth the money. I see that now :D
Looks absolutely stunning to me. My best control panel so far. Love the MagStik Plus too.

You can mount your joysticks invisible too, with this bracket:

Nanocade Invisible Joystick Bracket v2

The messy wiring. I admire those who can make a nice and neat wiring, I am not one of those. But it works just as well.
I installed the control panel after mounting the Ultimarc MiniPac.

Looks nice and matches the beige colour very nice i think.
The marquee is installed and the cabinet is almost finished. I need to fix a few small things inside though.
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If you decide to make your own MAME cabinet using my drawings, please feel free to make a donation,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.




[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]