How to build a MAME cabinet - A detailed guide and how to
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Step by step
The making of the Weecade MAME cabinet
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Frontend & Finished Mame Cabinet
I installed the control panel after mounting the Ultimarc MiniPac.

Looks nice and matches the beige colour very nice i think.
The marquee is installed and the cabinet is almost finished. I need to fix a few small things inside though.
Just a few last snaps...
Love the MagStik plus. They are just so versatile!


Finally a picture with light in the marquee and WeeCade front-end running!
This is my custom skin for Maximus Arcade front-end.

First the boot animation.

Emulator selection.
Game selection.

There you have it! Hope you enjoyed following the process and you found your inspiration to making your own Mame cabinet.

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If you decide to make your own MAME cabinet using my drawings, please feel free to make a donation,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.




[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]