How to build a MAME cabinet - A detailed guide and how to
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Step by step
The making of the econ
Project MAME  -  Weecade   -  TaitoRama  -   Nanocade  -   ArcadeStik  -  econ

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Design &

I would like to thank for sponsoring some of the parts for this project. I can definitely recommend for their great support and great products. Now go buy some pushbuttons and joysticks:


The other side looks just as good and maybe even more distinctive.


Time to apply the varnish. Look how big a difference the varnish does to the American Walnut. It really adds depth.
The result is much better than I even dared to hope for. Looks totally professional and to my opinion it makes it look very exclusive. 


The other side.

This will fit beautifully under my plasma! :)


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 The finished econ! - Complete with Maximus Arcade interface

econ is for sale: Go here - BYOAC sale thread




econ is for sale: Go here - BYOAC sale thread
Page 3 / 3  -  Design & Construction


If you decide to make your own MAME cabinet using my drawings, please feel free to make a donation,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.




[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]