How to build a MAME cabinet - A detailed guide and how to
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Step by step
The making of the econ
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Design &

I would like to thank for sponsoring some of the parts for this project. I can definitely recommend for their great support and great products. Now go buy some pushbuttons and joysticks:


Now it's time to test if I followed the mini-itx form factor correctly.

The 2.5" hard disk mount is elevated from the bottom panel and there is room for using o-rings between the mount and the hard disk too, if you want to protect it from shocks. I'm using a SSD, so there is no reason to protect it with O-rings, foam or adhesive rubber.


Turning the panel around, it's completely flush with no screw heads above the panel.
A perfect fit. Motherboard and IO-shield frame is placed perfectly.


The 60 mm fan and the power push button is installad. Also a perfect fit.

I got there nice big professional grade adhesive rubber feet on eBay. They are much nicer than anything you can find in your hardware store or supermarket and that will fall off in no time.

You can also make them yourself from rubber and then use contact glue to mount them.

Installing  the push buttons, the joystick and encoders. I'm testing an E-limitator from to see if it actually works. The E-limitator is an electronic device that predicts the right directions when playing 4-way games like Pac-man or Donkey Kong. You have to shift between 8, 4 or 2-way with a button.

The econ is a very flat cabinet with low installation depth, so I couldn't use an UltraStik 360, this is why I am trying the E-limitator instead.

I am yet to find out if the E-limitator works, but I can safely say that the UltraStik 360 is much easier to installs and feels better that your good old micro-switch stick.

The more cabinets I make, the more I hate micro-switches :)

I had the intention of using veneer on the sides to give it a more distinctive look and add to the retro feeling. A bit Atari 2600'ish, but with real wood.

Sanding down the sides for applying the American Walnut veneer I have acquired.

I apply a layer of epoxy on the veneer roughly the size of the side. Then I add some weight on top of it all and wait for about an hour. The weight is important to insure the veneer is applied totally flat on the surface.


Then I cut around the cabinet and sand the egdes afterwards.

Although the veneer is dry and untreated, it still looks very nice. Can't wait to apply the varnish and really see the structure of the natural wood.

Time for the other side. Same procedure all over again.
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If you decide to make your own MAME cabinet using my drawings, please feel free to make a donation,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.




[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]