How to build a MAME cabinet - A detailed guide and how to
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Working Drawings and Artwork
Free for private use only - mm to inches here

Project Mame   -   WeeCade   VertiCade  -  TaitoRama  -  Nanocade  -  econ

Do you wan't to use these drawings commercially? - Read about it here


econ drawings for laser cutting

econ drawings:
econ v. 1.00 dxf + svg for lasercutting

econ logo/artwork:
Logo and artwork

econ high-res pictures:
econ high-res pictures

See how the econ is made here:
Econ step by step





These drawings are totally free,  make a donation if you like my work,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.


Feel free to use any of my drawings for you own private MAME or arcade cabinet project. Have fun making your own cabinet, spread the arcade love!

If you wan't to use these drawings commercially then click here



[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]