AdvanceMenu |
Popular choice for
Linux, OS X, Windows and DOS |
ArcadeOS |
Good if you are using
an arcademonitor and good old
AtomicFE |
Can be configured to
any emulator and application |
Cabrio FE |
Open source front-end
for Linux |
GameEX |
One of the most
advanced frontends. It is also at very good HTPC
frontend for music and video. You have to pay to avoid
disclaimers all the time :(. Very hard to change the
layouts to something that doesn't look like a media
center pc. Just recommended. |
Gamelauncher |
More or less what is
says, both PC and Linux. Works with any command line emulator. |
Hyperspin FE |
Very nice looking and
very graphical front-end for various emulators. This
isn't for the slowest Atom boards I'm afraid. Only for
Windows XP and 7 too. |
Kymaera |
Advanced open source
front-end. |
Khameleon |
Nice looking new
windows interface, very refreshing. |
MaLa |
Popular freeware
front-end. One of the best. Very advanced features. I
really love using this as you can customize the hell out
of it. I used it on the Nanocade and I think I will use
it again. Reminds me of MameWah, only much better
looking and it actually works with Windows 7. Highly
MameWah |
Very popular and
simplistic front-end for Linux / Ubuntu and Windows.
Doesn't work very well with Windows 7 though.
Maximus Arcade |
Very nice looking
front-end, but it's not free and it is based on Flash
and that makes is super demanding on your hardware.
Looks fantastisk though. RECOMMENDED! |
mGalaxy |
Simple and sleek
interface for Windows |
Wah!Cade |
Probably the best Apple
front-end. It's free and based on the PC variant called
MameWah. |
Ultrastyle |
Only MAME, maybe a tad outdated
;) |
I try to
update this list frequently, drop me a mail if you think
something is missing. |