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MAME Front Ends

 The (almost) Complete List


Here is a list of front ends for MAME cabinets.

AdvanceMenu Popular choice for Linux, OS X, Windows and DOS
ArcadeOS Good if you are using an arcademonitor and good old DOS
AtomicFE Can be configured to any emulator and application
Cabrio FE Open source front-end for Linux
GameEX One of the most advanced frontends. It is also at very good HTPC frontend for music and video. You have to pay to avoid disclaimers all the time :(. Very hard to change the layouts to something that doesn't look like a media center pc. Just recommended.
Gamelauncher More or less what is says, both PC and Linux. Works with any command line emulator.
Hyperspin FE Very nice looking and very graphical front-end for various emulators. This isn't for the slowest Atom boards I'm afraid. Only for Windows XP and 7 too.
Kymaera Advanced open source front-end.
Khameleon Nice looking new windows interface, very refreshing.
MaLa Popular freeware front-end. One of the best. Very advanced features. I really love using this as you can customize the hell out of it. I used it on the Nanocade and I think I will use it again. Reminds me of MameWah, only much better looking and it actually works with Windows 7. Highly RECOMMENDED!
MameWah Very popular and simplistic front-end for Linux / Ubuntu and Windows. Doesn't work very well with Windows 7 though. RECOMMENDED
Maximus Arcade Very nice looking front-end, but it's not free and it is based on Flash and that makes is super demanding on your hardware. Looks fantastisk though. RECOMMENDED!
mGalaxy Simple and sleek interface for Windows
Wah!Cade Probably the best Apple front-end. It's free and based on the PC variant called MameWah.
Ultrastyle Only MAME, maybe a tad outdated ;)

I try to update this list frequently, drop me a mail if you think something is missing.


If you decide to make your own MAME cabinet using my drawings, please feel free to make a donation,  as I'm trying to raise enough money to make a new up-right cabinet, that's hard to do as a student.

[ Copyright koenigs 2008 ]